WHO AM I...???

''I am a slow walker, but I never walk back'' 


So who I am? If I were to be honest, I have had the hardest time answering this question. My life has been relatively easy over the years. I have not had to pay for much, have a beautiful house, and mostly everything I ask for. Yes, I have had some rough patches in life but who doesn’t? It has been all the self-taught moments in my life that have made me who I am today.


I am a simple girl who loves keeping life simple. I dream of living independently as I grow up. I want to have loving relationships but I don’t want to depend on anyone for anything. I want to be both financially and emotionally independent and strong. I always seemed like other people had a better understanding of who I was than I did. Mainly everyone in my life has put me up to the standards of this “perfect girl”, I never really knew who that was supposed to be. My parents have always had high expectations for me, getting great grades and going to college. I am the person that never got in trouble, never lied, never did anything wrong. Hence the “perfect girl”. 
My Aim in Life;

am a very ambitious person. I have always been a topper in my class and want to continue the trend even as I take on higher challenges in life. I want to take up the social stream as I enter Class XI as I wish to study computer, stats, and economics. The field of economics has always fascinated me a lot. So after completing my bachelors in computer science, I choose economics as my major. people around me demotivated me by saying this field has not that much scope and you'll never do, but by the grace of ALLAH, I proved them wrong, throughout four semesters I have been the topper in my class and got a transcript with 3.81 CGPA, got scholarship and laptop.
Holding transcript

Received laptop

My Role Model;

have many role models in my life and blessed to have them. First of all my parents are my role models who taught me how to deal with life, face people, etc. Secondly, my teachers of whole sixteen years education, I want to mention some mentors of my successful life '' Mam Robina, Fozia, Sadia, Irum, Saima, Sir Imran, Shabir, Sabir most of them no longer in touch with me but I still missed them a lot.


How My Kindness Lands Me In Trouble?
It is said that those who help others are always content and happy. Kindness comes naturally to me and I love helping others. It gives me a sense of satisfaction. Be it in school or at home or anywhere, I love helping everyone around. I want everyone to be happy. So, I do my best to spread smiles. However, this habit of mine has often created problems for me. closest persons of mine broke my trust so badly. why?

Hobbies are simply anything you do that’s for fun. You aren’t getting paid to do it, it’s something you like to do with your free time that helps you decompress and connect with other people. I never understand why people hesitated and lie about their hobbies.

Anyways I feel free to tell that spend my leisure time with mom in the kitchen, doing gossips :P, I love to read '' Nimra Ahmad's'' novels, listening music even in my working hours too :D and most favorite traveling.

Having fun in northern areas


Many people aim high and want to achieve a lot in their lives. In an attempt, they end up losing their health. I do not want to fall into that category. I am someone who is extremely ambitious but my aim also includes being healthy and happy and not just being successful and wealthy.


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